Oral Health

Oral Health

We promote good oral health in school in lots of ways!

  • All our Nursery children are part of the smile4life programme and brush their teeth with Louise Dexter.
  • We deliver lessons to remind children of the benefits of correct brushing.
  • Assemblies are held on the importance of brushing teeth for two minutes and eating low sugar foods.
Please sign your child up to a local dentist and encourage good daily routines.

For further information and advice try the link below. We will be adding this to our Facebook page too. It also includes information on finding and registering at a dentist.


Key messages for good oral health on the NHS advice pages:

  • Use a Fluoride toothpaste
  • Brush twice daily for 2 minutes each time
  • Spit out excess, don’t rinse
  • Cut down on sugary foods and fizzy drinks
  • Visit a dentist as often as they recommend