Information about the Governing Board

The Governing Body

The full Governing Board meets once a term to discuss various issues and to make decisions about the school. They carry out legal duties as a group; Governors are not allowed to act as individuals.

Who can be a Governor?
• Parents
• Teachers and non-teaching staff
• Local Education Authority representatives
• Community representatives
• Foundation Governors

Parent Governors
• Have a child attending our school
• Are elected by other parents

“ The impact of the governing body has increased significantly over the last six months. under the determined and uncompromising leadership of the chair of governors, the expectations of governors' commitment to the school have been raised. There is some particularly good practice to ensure that new applicants for the governing board fully understand their obligations and the responsibilities their role places upon them."


"The governors are ambitious for every pupil. Minutes from the governing body meetings show an increasing level of challenge being placed on senior and subject leaders. Governors now ask searching questions and invite subject leaders to meetings to hold them to account for pupils' outcomes. These improvements mean that there is no requirement for an external review of governance."


"The governing board is increasingly effective in monitoring the impact of the additional funds provided through school resources such as pupil premium. They know the aspects of the school that need improvement and attempt to deploy the school's limited financial resources accordingly. Governors' understanding of the use of performance targets to manage the effectiveness and salaries is improving."


Matters relating to individual children should always be discussed with class teachers, and if necessary the Headteacher, before contact is made directly with the Governing Board if you are still concerned.

If you are interested in the role of the School Governor, or would like to contribute to the school as a member of the Governing Board, please do not hesitate to talk to our Chair of Governors and she will contact you when there is a vacancy.